17 York St


Columbia Threadneedle


  • Net Zero Carbon Action Plan
  • TM54 Modelling
  • Whole Life Carbon (WLC) Assessment


BMO are refurbishing 17 York Street, which is an existing commercial office building in Manchester, and are striving to design the building to be Net Zero Carbon in both embodied and operational carbon. This building was constructed in the early 1990s and has a typical building services strategy for that period including a gas fired heating system which does not align with the UKGBC definition of a Net Zero Carbon building. Key components of the building services were identified as less than six years old and it felt counter intuitive to remove them in the short term. Instead a strategy was created to replace them that also aligned with the next key lease event and the end of the economic lifespan of the current major building services. This was felt to be a balance between short and long term reductions in carbon emissions.


Verte worked with the project architect, building services engineer and developer to review the proposed design and identify areas to reduce the embodied and operational carbon. This included a review of building fabric materials, building services components and the identification of appropriate renewable energy technologies. This review included CRREM analysis to identify when the building was likely to become stranded i.e. when the carbon reduction pathway of the building was predicted to be higher than the required carbon reduction trajectory to ensure the building was on track to achieve the Paris Proof Target of 1.5oC. Verte also completed a comprehensive review of the embodied carbon emissions using our software OneClick LCA to have an understanding of material related carbon emissions. The analysis is used to identify the highest contributing carbon emitters across the building. The embodied carbon analysis identified that some building elements can be redesigned to emit less carbon emissions across the building’s lifecycle. Verte presented the initial findings to the key stakeholders and agreed upon the next steps for inclusion in the project as the design progresses through to construction stage.


The creation of a bespoke balanced strategy for this building, the current tenant and the landlord. A ‘lessons learned’ report has been produced to feedback into future projects to ensure embodied and operational carbon emissions are minimised whilst ensuring projects remain economically viable.

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